
Coming Out of the {Celebrity} Closet

If I were to become rich and famous the first thing I would do is build myself a dope closet. Okay, slight correction....Building myself a dope closet would probably be the third thing I would do. First would be to take all the money I had and pay Scarlett Johansson to leave Ryan Reynolds and secondly would be to pay Ryan Reynolds to marry me. Third, would be to build Ryan and I a dope closet. Okay, now that that's clarified let's move on to some other dope celebrity closets.

Christina Aguilera
I get it Christina. You're so bad and dirty. Leopard print, naked torso with David
Bowie-esque wig, velvet drapes (or is that taffeta?), mess of shoes on the floor with a half naked baby. Nothing says danger like that.

 {Fun Fact- This is one of two closets. This room only holds her shoes}

Rachel Zoe
I could hate all over the place on this lady but I'm not gonna do it for a few reasons:

1. Because she calls things "bananas" and I also like bananas.

2. Because she had enough wits about her to hire my gay man crush Brad as her assistant. Today is apparently the day of the bow tie (see blog crush below)

3. Because (what we see of) her closet looks like a semi-normal person lives there! Okay, so maybe instead of Old Navy and H&M labels she has Oscar de la Renta and Marc Jacobs
 but at least she isn't trying to be all obviously sexy with leopard carpeting. (You hear that Christina?)

 {Fun Fact- Rachel was a 10 pound baby. Pretty hefty. Today....Not so much}

Paula Abdul
This is what taking lots of prescription drugs gets you. Mass amounts of shoes, sunglasses, and belts. Life's fair isn't it?

 {Fun Fact- All her outfits and coordinated accessories are numbered with tags so it's easy to throw stuff together when she's packing for traveling. I think that's just a polite way to say she's so out of it she needs to number her clothes.}

Olivia Wilde
I don't know much about this little lady. I don't watch the show House but I do know that Ms Wilde is a vegan,  all around do-gooder (I mean that in the best possible way), and was voted Maxim magazine's hottest lady in 2009. Check out her website Wilde Things for all things vegan and do-gooder related. No Maxim pictures though....Sorry fellas. I should also mention her closet is a fav of mine. Wood paneling, antiquey vanity, unpretentious feel (I'm talking to you again Christina). Well done.

 {Fun Fact- Olivia's husband is somewhat of a prince and her mother-in-law is a well known LA interior decorator. Talk about connections....}

Nicky Hilton
I'm still not convinced of the celebrity status of her and her sister Rome. I mean Paris. I may name my future child after a city. Maybe San Diego. Or Tucson. Fort Lauderdale has a nice ring to it.... Anyways, I think her closet is more celebrity than the two of them combined. The juxtaposition of the inky black floors and the white cabinetry works for me. I'm also digging the black door with white molding.
 {Fun Fact- Did you know Nicky Hilton has a size 10 1/2" shoe?}

Eva Longoria-Parker
Yep, I used her proper last name. I figured that Tony Parker probably gets pulled in a lot of lame directions so he deserves a shout out. Eva's closet however does not deserve a shout out. It's just meh in my opinion. That medium toned wood and the fluting detail kinda gives me the nervous "I may throw up a little" shakes.

 {Fun Fact- Eva closet contains more than 50 pairs of jeans}

Kimora Lee Simmons
Ah, hello triple neck. Don't know what I'm referring to? She's got like three necks! You see that? Not necessarily a bad thing. The more the merrier is what they say, right?

Her closet is colorful and a little messy. Just what I like to see! Because I just got on her for her neck(s) I will overlook the fact that she has leopard carpeting.

 {Fun Fact- Kimora's closet contains over 500 pairs of jeans. Take that Eva Longoria-Parker!}

Kim Cattrall
When you use Sex in the City and the word closet in the same sentence you typically think of Carrie's closet. But what about Samantha's? Personally I think that closet would be terribly more interesting! Imagine Christina Aguilera's closet multiplied by 100.  And rows of all those brightly colored modern 80's power suits.... Well, we'll have to settle for Kim Cattrall's closet instead. She does the black and white combo again. I'm thinking this is the best way to do it though. The white shelving won't distort the color of anything.

{Fun Fact- Kim is fluent in German. Clearly I couldn't find any closet related fun facts....} 

And finally....(drumroll)

Mariah Carey
 Climate controlled, 1,000+ pairs of shoes, gold-leafed floors.... I have no words other than I'm sure she doesn't let that man-child of hers (Nick Cannon) in this room. If he does happen to sneak in here to play dress up can you imagine the scolding he would get from Mariah if he got his sticky kid hands all over everything??

 {Fun Fact- Does this even need a fun fact? I mean really....}

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