
Cat Lady Sadness

You know what I realized I forgot to tell everyone? This little guy had to go back to the shelter I volunteer at on Monday night. It broke my little cat lady in training heart.

{Jeremy or The Dude as I called him}

It's been two months and this ho-bag just wouldn't leave him alone.


We're talking she terrorized him. So I reluctantly brought him back. It was one of the hardest things I've had to do and many tears were shed. I felt like a huge ass with all the sobbing.

So if anyone lives in the Chicagoland area and you need an all around bitchin cat stop on in to the West Suburban Humane Society


  1. Oh, I am sorry it did not work out. Every time we foster, we keep.

  2. Thanks Amy! I fostered a momma cat and her 5 babies once and it killed me to take them back. I'm a sappy mess :)


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