There are so many times I see something and think, "Good God almighty why was that done?!" Just this past weekend I was watching the most awful (and unfortunately the most repeatedly aired) show on HGTV.............................................wait for it..........................wait for it............... House Hunters!
Awful show.
Anywho, it was an episode that was based in Chicago. A city couple gets preggo and decides they need to move to the burbs. I live in the burbs and I fancy myself to be somewhat cool. Why the need to feature these downtown folk who feel they're too cool for school and can only move to the burbs when knocked up?
So I'm digressing a bit....
Sorry about that. I have repressed and bitter issues. Clearly :)
So back to bad kitchen decisions. Appliance panels. Ugh. A nightmare in so many ways. Not only are they a pain to design with but they should only be used in a truly integrated way. I suppose you're wondering why an episode of House Hunters brought on this post. Well, one of the houses had a kitchen with a refrigerator similar to these......
Why people? Why murder your kitchen like this? If you're going to invest the money in a refrigerator that is cabinet appliance ready make it as integrated as you possibly can like the beauties below.
{This is a display in the showroom where I work}
It's like playing the Where's Waldo game, but with refrigerators.
{This is a display in the showroom where I work}
It's like playing the Where's Waldo game, but with refrigerators.
I totally agree! If you can't do it right don't do it at all.