
Petty Crimes and Misdemeanours

So here it is. The dreaded first post that no one but the author actually reads. Somehow I still feel the weighty pressure of the potential judgement to come! Because of this I have spent the last couple of days doing some basic blog prep. Read that out loud fast. Basic blog prep. Don't you want to say basic blog plep? Or is it just me?

I'm the type of person who does a lot of obsessive compulsive research before doing even the mundanest of things. I'm a relentless mapquester (even if I've already been to wherever I'm going) and I frequently google how to cook/prepare foods (thank you world wide web for your advice on the cooking of the brown rice and the cutting of the cantaloupe. They both went smashingly.).

So for my obsessive compulsive blogging research I downloaded 10+ potential background templates. This is in theory a design blog after all. It's got to be visually pretty or the haters will start hating. I then scratched my head for hours upon hours attempting to think of a creative blog name. Am the last person on earth to realize that the name Decorgasm has already been taken many a time? Bah. I also read and reread the beginnings of all my fav design blogs out there (see blogroll on the right). I came to realize a few things about my situation:

1. I don't have a fancy camera to take fancy pictures of fancy things....I have a mediocre camera that's dying a slow and painful death.

2. The unfortunate realization that I own a hand-me-down laptop and posses hand-me-down computer skills finally appeared. It, as well as I, has an interesting temperament similar to that of a hormonal 15 year old teenager. Downloading all those pretty blog templates did not make the laptop happy. I really wish I was one of those super hip people who carried a sleek looking MacBook and could say things like "external hard drive" and "Ram" without wanting to giggle.

3. After reading disclaimers and whatnot on some blogs and websites I now have a very real fear of accidentally plagiarizing someone/thing. I have never been arrested but if I had to choose a potential crime to be arrested for it sure as heck wouldn't be plagiarizing! Disturbing the peace and simple assault and battery would top my list because I'm pretty hardcore. And yes folks, I googled "petty crimes and misdemeanours."

So what is it that I have? Well, I do have a design degree (ha! I don't even know where that piece of paper is located), a career as a kitchen and bath designer, a crafty "I can spray paint anything and it will look awesome" mentality, a decent design eye, and a fantastic sense of humor. That humor can be a bit questionable at times but what I may lack in decorum I will try to make up in well, other terribly interesting things. Promise.

And that brings me to the end. Long first blog huh? And somehow I managed to exclude anything truely design related except my blatent knock at my design degree. Don't listen to me kids! Get an education!! If you thought this first post was awesome can you imagine that magic that will take place when I actually start talking design? Whew....I just officially blew my own mind.



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