
Color Saturation Infatuation

I don't normally buy a lot of shelter/design magazines but I was recently at Target and happened to flip through the October issue of Traditional Home magazine. I came across an article on designer Tobi Fairley and instantly fell in love with the color combo she used in a sunroom and master bedroom of a showcase home. Sometimes I worry that I go a bit overboard matchy-matchy on bright saturated colors (yellow in particular) but I've come to realize that these semi-obnoxious happy colors make me happy. Every time I see photos like the ones below my color infatuation is renewed!

My Top Favs:

1. The Jadeite plates. I. heart. Jadeite.

2.The gold framed shell prints above the desk. Move over silver, here comes gold.

3. The art created by painting frames orange and mounting different shells within them.

4. The orange upholstered chairs with aqua legs!

5. I would probably kill someone to get that curio cabinet.....

Here's the link to the Traditional Home article!

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