
The Curse of the Lazy Painter

So after posting this picture last Friday I decided to rearrange the furniture in my studio apartment to incorporate an office "nook."

Now there's only so much you can do with one room and a whole lot of furniture that I refused to get rid of from my prior one bedroom apartment.  I also have the itch to move somewhere new so I'm a bit hesitant to put a lot of effort into my place right now. But alas, I put on my thinking cap and my furniture moving muscles and got to work yesterday. I found an arrangement that works but ran into a bit of a problem. I'm what one could call a "lazy painter." Awhile back I painted yellow and aqua stripes on my former bed wall and then glue-gunned on black grosgrain ribbon to make the edges crisp. Sounds lovely right? Wrong. I hate moving furniture to paint a wall. Especially a heavy bed and Ikea Expedit bookcase filled to the brim with books. So what did I do you ask? Well, I painted around my furniture.  Yep, you read that correctly. So now where my new desk nook is there is also paint splotches, unfinished paint sections, and no grosgrain ribbon. So now my simple furniture rearranging project has turned into paint touch ups..... Did I mention I also don't have any more of the aqua paint?

I was going to post some after pics of my nook but have a few more projects to take care of (in addition to those paint touch-ups) before doing so. One of them includes making a design inspiration board like one of these:

{#1} I really like the look of the chunky white frame. I'm also a sucker for a lot of cute clutter.

 {2} Yet another chunky frame but in yellow. It fits in my color scheme but I think I'm sticking with white. That's also the same Ikea desk I have. This particular one is wrapped with fabric and topped with a sheet of glass. Great idea!

{3} Three separate boards wrapped in a burlap like fabric. The styling of that whole little area is pretty showstopping. 

 {4} I really like this idea and may incorporate it. Instead of bulletin boards they used clip boards! You can get these at any dollar store for well, a $1. If you don't like the brown color you can always wrap them in a decorative paper or fabric to pretty them up.

{5} So cute! This would also be brilliant way to display jewelry.

{Photo sources: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5}

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