
Friday Love Fest

Here are the things that caught my eye this week. Enjoy the weekend!

{1} This Living Room
Black wall, pink object d'art. C'est parfait!

{2} Mario Brothers Powder Room
Da da da duh duh dada, dada dada dada duh dada...(You get the idea)

{3} Organ Jewelry
Wear your lungs, kidney, or heart around your neck

{4} This Kitchen
Love the cabinet color, love the open shelving, LOVE the ginormous rolling pin on the wall

{5} Planter Wall Tiles
 I'm willing to give my black thumb a chance to go green, especially if it involves these quirky indoor ceramic planters.

{6} The over-the-top designs of AltaModa
Seriously, google this company. The words decadent, flashy, textural, and surreal will immediately pop in your head. And so will dollar signs....

{7} These quaint little chairs
I wasn't able to find the owner of these but couldn't resist posting them.

{8} Horse lamp!
Kinda like The Christmas Story's leg lamp but so much cooler. And FYI, this bad boy is lifesize...That means 8' high and about 7' long.  

{9} This little office nook
I love everything about this design blogger's home. It's a lovely combo of granny chic, modern traditional, colorful and subdued. Check out the rest of her home pics at www.livecreatingyourself.com.

{10} Felt letters
I don't remember where I found this pic but clearly I liked it since I saved it!

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