
Friday Love Fest

Friday!! I'm so excited!! Okay......not really. I have to work tomorrow so today is like my Thursday.  All you "Yay! It's the weekend!" people can go jump off a cliff :) On a more positive note, here are some pretty diddies that caught my eye this week!

White Brick Backsplash
Would this get hella dirty due to all nooks and crannies? Oh yeah. But doesn't it look cool?

These are unfortunately no longer available but they are super cute. Maybe with enough demand this Etsy seller will bring them back?

Navy Blue
I'm kinda late to get on the navy blue train but now that I am all aboard I want to completely eliminate everything black that I own and swap it out with navy. Crap. Uh, and do I even need to mention how awesome those magenta logs are in the fireplace below?

Tons of different styles that you can customize with whatever color you want. They are also all under $50. Now I just have to decide which to buy. Because, you know, I need another purse....

I pretty much hate matching dishware. I just don't understand when bride and grooms register for matching all white china at department stores. Blech. I prefer purchasing some inexpensive yet decent white dishware for everyday and then mixing in vintage/quirky pieces. Just like the ones below!

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